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Како себи објаснити болест

   Савремени теоријски холистички приступи у третирању болести настоје да обједине медицинске традиције различитих култура. Нарочита пажња посвећује се третману хроничних стања. Западна алопатска медицина остварила је значајан напредак у симптоматском лечењу болести. Њен прогрес мери се доприносима у сфери искорењивања и третирања  комуникабилних (инфективних) обољења и свеобухватном развоју хирургије. У сфери третирања и лечења хроничних стања медицинска традиција Истока (индијска ајурвдска и кинеска медицина) су у значајној предности. Медицина и филозофија су обједињене у пружању одговора на питања тела и душе који су у источним системима нераскидива целина. Болест се третира као стање целокупног организма (у који спадају нпр. и суптилиније форме телесности (пр. у ајурведи: коше)), а не стање изолованог органа или система органа. Болест се зачиње на суптилнијим нивоима постојања, а тек се манифестује у материјалном, физичком телу. У ајурведи анамаја коша (физичко тело) је само крајња еманација пранамаја, маномаја, вигјанамаја и анандамаја коше. Физичко тело је...

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Why are we scared of silence?

Is life so busy that you crave peace and quiet - yet when you get a moment of silence, you find it hard to switch off? In daily life, our minds are constantly being distracted and we are often used to juggling a multitude of things on an hourly basis. Our senses are bombarded much more frequently than we are consciously aware of. Is it any surprise then, that when we come to sit quietly, we don’t feel comfortable? We become familiar with what we are surrounded by and the habits we form. Therefore, if we are used to being on the go, it's natural to find it hard to relax. Personally, I’m so used to being busy and am often out in the evenings that when I do get an evening in, I don’t know what to do with myself. So I fall into autopilot mode and find other jobs around...

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Don’t Set new years resolutions

Your calendar is top heavy. Perhaps like me you’re having to endure the lights on the house next door bursting into a rendition of ‘deck the halls with boughs of holly’ every time a person walks past and triggers the motion sensor, and self development bloggers the Internet over are salivating at the thought of writing about setting New Years resolutions. If you’re reading my blog then it’s doubtful you’re a self development rookie. You know the score. You know that most New Years resolutions have a shelf life not much longer than the sagging Christmas trees that are being fed through industrial wood chippers mere days after 12th Night. You realize that just because you have hung up a new calendar with a lovely cute puppy on the front, and that you have to remember to change the date on any checks you write, and that your credit card...

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The only cause of stress

You gaze down through the open window at the sparkling Ionia sea resplendent in the late summer sun. Your taxi weaves itself dexterously down the narrow mountain road from Vrachionas, the highest point on the Greek island of Zakynthos. The sun twinkles and a hundred shades of azure bounce back from the gently lapping waves. High above a Cory’s Shearwater banks and weaves barely beating it’s long brown wings as it scans the turquoise waters for an afternoon snack. It would gladly feast on an octopus like the one you had eaten the night before at the quiet beachfront taverna. But it probably wouldn’t care for the wine or final shot of ouzo. You can feel the hot sun on the side of your face, but the cooling breeze of the mountain air coupled with the movement of the cab was keeping you at the kind of temperature that really...

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